

When it comes to maintaining and preserving our customers’ asphalt driveways, roadways, and pavements, few things are as crucial as ensuring that asphalt cracks are promptly and expertly repaired. Smooth, well-maintained roads not only enhance the aesthetics of our neighborhoods but also ensure safety for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists.

A Legacy of Excellence

Our asphalt company boasts a rich legacy of delivering top-notch services in the field of asphalt repair and maintenance. With years of experience and a team of highly skilled professionals, we have gained a reputation for excellence in the industry. We take pride in our commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction.

Cutting-Edge Technology and Techniques

One of the key factors that sets our asphalt company apart is our utilization of cutting-edge technology and innovative repair techniques. We constantly invest in the latest equipment and stay updated with the industry’s best practices.

Our team of experts is well-versed in various repair methods, including crack filling, crack sealing, and pothole patching. This diversity allows us to tailor our approach to each unique driveway, ensuring that our repairs stand the test of time.

Trained and Experienced Workforce

Our team is the backbone of our efficiency and excellence. We handpick skilled professionals who have a deep understanding of asphalt repair techniques. Our employees undergo rigorous training to stay updated on the latest advancements in the industry, which allows us to maintain our reputation for high-quality repairs.

Customer-Centric Approach

Customer satisfaction is paramount to us. We believe in fostering long-term relationships with our clients by providing exceptional service and personalized attention to their needs.

Our asphalt company is a trusted name in the industry, known for its efficiency and excellence in asphalt crack repairs. Through a combination of cutting-edge technology, skilled professionals, sustainable practices, and a customer-centric approach, we ensure that our repairs not only enhance the lifespan of pavements but also contribute to the overall well-being of our communities.





Potholes are a common and persistent problem on commercial roads around Colorado. However, after major rainfall, these potholes can become even more hazardous and widespread. Bradley Asphalt pays attention to potholes small and large so that your commercial roads and driveways can be strong and last for many years:


  • ROAD SAFETY – One of the primary reasons for fixing potholes after heavy rainfall is to ensure road safety. Potholes are not merely an inconvenience; they pose serious risks to motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. After rainfall, the integrity of roads is compromised, resulting in weakened surfaces and increased pothole formation. These depressions can cause vehicles to lose control, leading to accidents and injuries. By repairing potholes promptly, the risk of accidents and collisions is significantly reduced, providing a safer environment for all road users.
  • VEHICLE SAFETY – Potholes can inflict significant damage on vehicles, particularly after heavy rainfall. When cars encounter potholes, the impact can cause tire punctures, misalignment of wheels, suspension damage, and even structural issues. These repairs can be costly and time-consuming for vehicle owners. By addressing potholes promptly, the likelihood of such damage is minimized, resulting in reduced maintenance costs and inconvenience for drivers. Fixing potholes not only preserves the safety of road users but also safeguards the longevity and performance of vehicles.
  • ENHANCING ECONOMIC PRODUCTIVITY: Efficient transportation networks are vital for economic productivity. Potholes, especially after heavy rainfall, can hamper the smooth flow of traffic, resulting in delays, congestion, and increased fuel consumption. Businesses relying on timely deliveries may face setbacks, leading to financial losses. Additionally, poor road conditions discourage tourism and foreign investment. By repairing potholes promptly, road networks can be restored to optimal conditions, facilitating the movement of goods, services, and people. This, in turn, promotes economic growth, reduces transportation costs, and enhances the overall well-being of the community
  • Fixing potholes after major rainfall is of utmost importance due to the significant benefits it provides. By ensuring road safety, protecting vehicle maintenance, and enhancing economic productivity, prompt repairs offer tangible advantages to individuals, communities, and the overall society. Governments, local authorities, and relevant stakeholders should prioritize the allocation of resources to tackle this issue effectively, ensuring safer roads, cost savings, and a thriving economy for all.







Protecting your asphalt from rain damage is essential for maintaining its longevity and structural integrity. Rainwater can penetrate the surface of one of your biggest assets, your asphalt, leading to cracks, potholes, and overall deterioration. However, with proper preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of rain-related damage. Here are some effective strategies to protect your asphalt:

  • Sealcoating: Applying a sealant to your asphalt surface forms a protective barrier against water infiltration. Sealcoating fills small cracks and prevents water from seeping into the underlying layers, reducing the likelihood of damage.
  • Regular Maintenance: Conduct routine inspections of your asphalt to identify any #cracks or #potholes. Promptly repair these issues before rainwater exacerbates them. Call us to repair your potholes before they become a problem.
  • Proper Drainage: Ensure that your asphalt has a well-designed drainage system. Poor drainage can result in water pooling on the surface, increasing the risk of damage. If your asphalt has been installed correctly the sub-base should be compacted and have the correct drainage channels to cope with runoff water.
  • Clear Debris: Keep your asphalt surface clear of leaves, dirt, and other debris that can obstruct proper water drainage. Debris can also trap moisture, leading to accelerated deterioration. Regular sweeping and cleaning of oil spills are crucial for preventing rain-related damage.
  • Avoid Standing Water: Standing water on the asphalt can weaken its structure over time. If you notice areas where water tends to pool, consult a professional to assess the problem and provide suitable solutions, such as adding additional drainage or regrading the surface.
  • Crack Sealing: Cracks in your asphalt can worsen when rainwater seeps in and freezes during colder temperatures. Consider employing a professional asphalt contractor to perform crack sealing, which prevents water infiltration and helps maintain the integrity of the surface.
  • Timely Repairs: Address any signs of damage or wear promptly. Neglected issues can worsen over time, especially when exposed to rain. Timely repairs, whether minor or major, can prevent rainwater from causing further deterioration.
  • Protect Edges: Pay attention to the edges of your asphalt, as they are more susceptible to rain damage. Water can seep beneath the edges, leading to erosion and weakening of the structure. If your edges are raveling call us to come out and give you a free estimate to repair and secure them.

By implementing these strategies, you can shield your asphalt from rain damage and extend its lifespan for many years. Regular maintenance, preventive measures, and timely repairs are key to ensuring that your asphalt remains durable and resilient in the face of the extreme rainfall we’ve been having in Denver.





Designing and planning an asphalt driveway is a crucial step in ensuring its longevity and functionality. There are several key factors to consider when planning an asphalt driveway, including the layout, size, and slope of the driveway, as well as the type of asphalt to be used.

One of the first considerations when designing an asphalt driveway is the layout. The layout should be carefully planned to ensure that it meets the needs of the homeowner, while also adhering to local building codes and regulations. The size of the driveway should also be determined, taking into account the number of vehicles that will be parked on it and any future expansion plans.

Another important consideration is the slope of the driveway. A slope of 1-2% is recommended for asphalt driveways to ensure proper drainage and prevent water from pooling on the surface. The type of asphalt to be used is also a critical factor to consider. There are several different types of asphalt, including hot mix and cold mix, and each has its own unique properties and benefits.

Finally, it is important to choose a reputable and experienced contractor to install the driveway. A professional contractor will be able to assess the site, recommend the appropriate materials and design, and provide a detailed estimate of the costs involved.

In summary, designing and planning an asphalt driveway requires careful consideration of factors such as layout, size, slope, and type of asphalt. Working with a professional contractor is recommended to ensure that the driveway is properly installed and meets the needs of the homeowner.

Call:  Cell (303) 947-7484
Estimator: Duane Bradley



Asphalt Rain Damage



Asphalt pothole repairs play a crucial role in preventing rain damage and ensuring the longevity of roads and pavements. Rainwater is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to the deterioration of asphalt surfaces, and potholes act as entry points for water to seep into the underlying layers. This infiltration can lead to a range of problems, including further pavement degradation, weakened structural integrity, and increased safety hazards. Therefore, timely and effective pothole repairs are essential in mitigating rain damage and preserving the quality of our road infrastructure.

Firstly, repairing potholes helps to prevent water from penetrating the pavement layers. Rainwater that enters through a pothole can cause the underlying soil to become saturated, leading to soil erosion and instability. This can result in the formation of sinkholes, pavement settlement, or even complete pavement failure. By promptly repairing potholes, we seal these openings and prevent water from infiltrating the sublayers, thereby minimizing the risk of such water-related issues.

Secondly, by addressing potholes, we can prevent the formation of larger cracks and fissures. When water enters a pothole and remains trapped, it undergoes a cycle of freezing and thawing during temperature fluctuations. This freeze-thaw cycle weakens the surrounding asphalt, causing cracks to form and existing ones to expand. These cracks provide additional avenues for water to enter and exacerbate rain damage. By repairing potholes early on, we interrupt this cycle and prevent the progression of cracks, preserving the overall integrity of the pavement.

Moreover, repairing potholes contributes to road safety. Potholes pose a significant hazard to vehicles and pedestrians alike. Drivers may unexpectedly encounter these road depressions, leading to sudden jolts, loss of control, or tire damage. Pedestrians, especially those with limited mobility, are at risk of tripping and falling due to uneven surfaces. When rainwater fills potholes, they become even more difficult to spot, increasing the likelihood of accidents. By repairing potholes promptly, we improve road safety and reduce the potential for accidents and injuries.

Lastly, regular pothole repairs save money in the long run. Neglecting potholes allows rainwater to infiltrate and cause more extensive damage, leading to the need for more costly repairs or even complete pavement reconstruction.

Asphalt pothole repairs are vital for preventing rain damage. By sealing these openings, we prevent water infiltration, minimize the formation and expansion of cracks, enhance road safety, and save money on long-term maintenance. Timely repairs not only preserve the structural integrity of roads, parking lots, driveways, and pavements but also ensure smoother and safer journeys for all.






Resurfacing and restriping your commercial parking lot can offer a range of benefits that go beyond mere aesthetic enhancements. Here are some key advantages of undertaking this maintenance project:

  1. Enhanced Safety: A well-maintained parking lot with fresh striping ensures clear and visible traffic patterns, reducing the risk of accidents and collisions. Clearly marked stalls, directional arrows, and crosswalks help guide drivers and pedestrians, promoting safety on your property.
  2. Improved Functionality: Over time, parking lots can develop potholes, cracks, and uneven surfaces, which can hinder the flow of traffic and cause inconvenience. Resurfacing smooths out these imperfections, creating a level and even pavement that allows for easy maneuvering and parking.
  3. Increased Curb Appeal: The appearance of your parking lot plays a crucial role in shaping the overall impression of your business. A freshly resurfaced and restriped parking lot projects an image of professionalism, cleanliness, and attention to detail, enhancing your brand’s reputation and attracting more customers.
  4. Compliance with Regulations: Local regulations often stipulate the requirements for parking lot layouts and accessibility. By resurfacing and restriping your lot, you ensure compliance with these regulations, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.
  5. Extended Lifespan: Regular maintenance, such as resurfacing, can extend the lifespan of your parking lot by preventing further deterioration. It acts as a protective layer, shielding the underlying pavement from the damaging effects of weather, traffic, and other environmental factors.

In conclusion, resurfacing and restriping your commercial parking lot not only improves safety and functionality but also enhances curb appeal, ensures compliance with regulations, and prolongs the lifespan of your investment. It is a worthwhile endeavor that offers numerous benefits for both your business and your customers.




Seal coating is a process of applying a protective coating to the surface of an asphalt pavement. This process involves the application of a thin layer of a mixture of asphalt emulsion and water, along with other materials such as sand, fillers, and polymers. The seal coating provides a protective layer to the asphalt surface, which helps to extend its lifespan and durability.


One of the primary benefits of seal coating is that it helps to prevent damage caused by the sun, rain, snow, and other weather elements. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause the asphalt surface to deteriorate, resulting in cracks and potholes. Seal coating acts as a barrier to these elements, reducing the impact of weather on the surface.


Another benefit of seal coating is that it helps to prevent the penetration of water into the pavement. Water can seep into the pavement through cracks and holes, which can cause damage to the sub-base and weaken the structure of the pavement. By sealing the surface, the water is prevented from entering the pavement, reducing the risk of damage and extending the life of the pavement.


Seal coating also enhances the appearance of the pavement, giving it a fresh and new look. It fills in small cracks, and provides a smooth and even surface for driving and parking. This can improve the safety of the pavement by reducing the risk of accidents and injuries caused by uneven surfaces.


In conclusion, seal coating is a cost-effective way to protect and extend the life of your asphalt surface. By preventing damage caused by weather and water, and by enhancing the appearance of the pavement, seal coating can provide long-lasting benefits and save you money in the long run.


Seal coating will not be the ideal maintenance repair for all damaged asphalt so it’s advisable to give us a call and we will come out and give you free advice on which repairs you would benefit from.


Call:  Cell (303) 947-7484

Estimator: Duane Bradley

Enhance Your Home’s Value with a Fresh Asphalt Driveway


A well-maintained and visually appealing driveway is an important aspect of a property’s overall aesthetic. A new asphalt driveway not only enhances the appearance of your home but can also add value to your property, making it an excellent investment for homeowners looking to increase the resale value of their homes.


An asphalt driveway is not only visually appealing, but it is also durable and long-lasting. Asphalt is a low-maintenance material that requires very little upkeep, withstanding harsh weather conditions, such as heavy rain and snow, without deteriorating. Additionally, asphalt is easy to repair, so if any cracks or damage occur over time, they can be quickly and easily fixed.


A new asphalt driveway can also create a positive first impression for potential buyers when they visit your home. It can increase your home’s “curb appeal” and make it stand out from other properties in the neighborhood. As a result, a new driveway can make your property more desirable to buyers, potentially leading to a quicker sale and a higher selling price. This is vital in today’s property market in Colorado.  Homes are not selling as quickly, and buyers have the upper hand when it comes to choice and price.


In conclusion, a new asphalt driveway is a smart investment for homeowners looking to enhance the value of their homes. It is durable, low-maintenance, and visually appealing, and can create a positive first impression for potential buyers. By upgrading your driveway, you can increase your home’s value, improve its overall appearance, and make it stand out from other properties in the area.


Call us for a free consultation, whether it’s an asphalt repair, asphalt resurfacing, or a new driveway you are needing.   We have been looking after clients in the Denver area since the 1980’s and look forward to helping you.


Call:  Cell (303) 947-7484

Estimator: Duane Bradley



Asphalt parking lots are an essential feature of any commercial property. They provide a safe and convenient place for customers to park their vehicles, and they also enhance the curb appeal of your property. However, over time, asphalt parking lots can develop cracks, potholes, and other types of damage. If left unchecked, this damage can worsen and become a safety hazard for your customers and employees.


That’s why it’s crucial to plan your asphalt parking lot repairs now. By doing so, you can ensure that your parking lot remains in excellent condition and doesn’t become a liability for your business.


To begin planning your asphalt parking lot repairs, start by conducting a thorough inspection of the entire parking lot. Look for cracks, potholes, drainage issues, and any other signs of damage. Once you have identified the problem areas, prioritize the repairs based on the severity of the damage.


Next, determine the budget and timeline for your repairs. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need to allocate more resources and time to complete the repairs. Work with a reputable asphalt contractor, who has been in the business for many years,  to develop a plan that fits your budget and schedule.


By planning your asphalt parking lot repairs now, you can avoid costly and time-consuming repairs in the future. Additionally, you can ensure that your parking lot remains safe and attractive for your customers and employees, which can help boost your business’s reputation and bottom line.


Call: Duane Bradley – 303 467-0631




Asphalt driveways are the most durable driveway that can be built. However, there are many important facets to constructing a well-functioning, strong, and aesthetically pleasing asphalt surface.  Asphalt driveways are not as simplistic as they seem, and proper knowledge of subsoil, drainage, and base preparation is key to asphalt longevity.


When it comes to constructing an asphalt driveway, @BradleyAsphalt uses some of the tried and tested asphalt construction methods we have been using since the 1980s.


Our Full-depth asphalt construction involves excavating the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches, then laying a base layer of crushed stone or aggregate to support the asphalt surface. The base layer is typically 4 to 6 inches thick and is compacted to ensure stability and drainage, which is vital in Colorado. Afterward, a binder layer of asphalt is applied, followed by a top layer of asphalt, which is typically 2 inches thick. The asphalt is then compacted and tested for correct water runoff.  We then inspect the final product for smoothness and finish of joints.


The full-depth asphalt construction method is preferred because it provides a strong and durable driveway that can withstand heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions. It also provides good drainage, which is important for preventing water damage.   We are proud of our long-standing relationships with our clients and continually maintain their asphalt surfaces to prolong their lifespan.


It’s important to note that proper maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity of an asphalt driveway. Regular sealing and filling of cracks can help prevent water damage which leads to potholes and unraveling.


If you are needing any advice on your driveway decisions, call us for a free estimate and we will be glad to help.


Call: Duane Bradley – 303 467-0631