When it comes to deciding which are your best options for a new home driveway, we recommend going with a Full Depth Asphalt Driveway. Full Depth Asphalt will provide the homeowner with the best combination of strength, flexibility and durability, especially in climates that have fluctuating temperatures throughout the year.
Starting with a good base is paramount to the building of a solid asphalt driveway. If the soil hard or if you have road base on your driveway a 3-inch compacted asphalt should be adequate. If you use driveway for commercial purposes, you might want it thicker for heavier loads. If we find that the subgrade quality is unstable, we may recommend additional road base of crushed aggregate be laid and thoroughly compacted first.
1 inch of compacted asphalt pavement is equivalent to 3 inches of aggregate base.
Benefits of Hot Mix Asphalt
There is no comparison when it comes to durability and sustainability of hot mix asphalt against concrete for a colder climate:
- Asphalt is flexible and gives with initial settlements
- Asphalt withstands extreme temperature changes
- Asphalt is strong and very durable
- Asphalt is good looking and adds value to any property
- Asphalt gives a smooth, safe surface
- Asphalt is unaffected by salt
In conclusion, a Hot Mix Asphalt Driveway will give you many years of good, worry free use.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any further information you require:
Denver Office: 303-467-0631 Colorado Springs/Monument Office: 719-481-9411